28th February 2022

InMind: Sustainability’s New Arena

Mindshare’s InMind report series helps brands keep the latest growth opportunities on media, consumers and markets in mind.

The pandemic has accelerated awareness around environmental issues and shifted perspectives on the importance of sustainability from nations to consumers. To play its part in reducing CO2 emissions, China has created an ambitious green agenda that holds brands accountable for their sustainability efforts, while ensuring the mitigation of greenwashing, catalyzing pivotal change.

Mindshare’s latest issue of InMind, ‘Sustainability’s New Arena’, helps brands navigate sustainability in China’s post-pandemic world, while exploring relevant growth opportunities for brands to tap into. Furthermore, the report provides guidance to brands on how they can fulfill their short-term and long-term sustainability goals as their key stakeholders - consumers, Government, tech giants, industry bodies alike - take active steps towards building a greener future.

To learn how you and your brand can stay ahead in your sustainability journey and get access to the full report, drop us an email: [email protected] 

To learn more about Mindshare China, scan the QR code and follow our official WeChat account.


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    Mindshare China