Tunisie Telecom - Keep it clean

Tunisie Telecom had to enhance its 3G++ brand image and prove service superiority to consumers in a fiercely competitive landscape

The communication challenge was clear, Tunisie Telecom needed to enhance its 3G++ brand image and gain its consumer’s trust in a fiercely competitive landscape. Tunisie Telecom had to prove to its consumers (adults 18+) that 3G++ had as good if not better quality and coverage versus the competition. To achieve this, Tunisie Telecom needed to step outside the cluttered traditional advertising space and create an entirely new communication channel of its own

During the same period, Municipality officers had been on strike for two weeks and Tunisians were facing an unprecedented rubbish crisis. An environmental catastrophe was occurring in Tunisia and sadly nobody seemed to care. As this was the summer period, people were spending a lot of time at the public beaches and unfortunately, they were being transformed into an open dumping ground. The government tried to step in but no one wanted to hear the government preaching to them about what they should and shouldn’t do.
Tunisie Telecom saw an opportunity, what if it was able to harness the power of the people to affect change. What if we helped give the people on the effected beaches, who were seeing the issue first hand, a channel to communicate to the rest of Tunisia and spread the word.
There was one challenge, the 3G network quality on the beaches was typically poor and most of the time people couldn’t find a network, even less Wi-Fi connection.
Kilograms to Kilobytes: Tunisie Telecom converts kilograms of trash on the beaches into Kilobytes of internet connection for beach goers
Tunisie Telecom installed the “TT Smart Converter” into the six beaches most effected by the rubbish crisis. The “TT Smart Converter” consisted of a digital screen, trash bin, wireless weighing scale and an optical fiber that was connected to Wi-Fi terminals omitting 3G++ connection. The background to the initiative was communicated through a short film via the digital screen, the key message being: ‘Keep our beaches clean …. 1 Gb of mobile internet connection will be offered for 1 Kg of trash collected’.
Not surprisingly the trash bins filled quickly, in less than 1 hr the “TT Smart Converter” units were omitting 3G++ connectivity.
But here was the twist, for the beach goers to connect to the free Wi-Fi they needed to accept the condition that an automatic broadcast would be sent to all their Facebook friends and Twitter followers. The message was simple ‘Keep our beaches clean’.
The beach goers were also sent a link to a short film hosted on Tunisie Telecom’s YouTube channel to share. Now not only did the people on the beach get our message but so did all their friends and followers, a movement had begun
The 3G++ brand image index increased by 31% (Source Tunisie Telecom Brand Health Tracking July Survey).
3G++ sales increased by 4.2% instead of 3% objective between 29 June and 29 July 2014 (Source: TT 3G++ Sales Department, June and July reports).
TT ecological engagement awareness increased by 49% (Source Tunisie Telecom Brand Health Tracking July Survey).
Over 1200 people participated in cleaning the six beaches and over 830 persons were connected to the Wi-Fi 3G++ (Source: Datagrinders Technologie).
Over 927 GB of 3G internet mobile were liberated and same number of Kilograms of trash were collected by participants and recovered by the association Tunisie Recyclage (Tunisia Recycling).
Over 280 000 views on Youtube.
Over 20 000 support messages on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
Over 35 000 video shares on Facebook.
Over 4000 tweets containing the video link.
+5% Facebook fans
+4.5% Twitter followers
+20% YouTube Subscribers
Over 150 Print and Online media, two TV channels and the six most listened radios covered the operation.
Several international web sites covered the operation
Tunisie Telecom benefited from the free PR coverage estimated at $1 million.

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