23rd September 2021

5 minutes with Michael Soroosh-Collins

#TeamMindshare believes in Speed, Teamwork and Provocation. As we adjust to working differently, we're continuing to empower people to challenge the status quo, through what we call Provocation with Purpose. We’re proud to be unmistakably #TeamMindshare and make it the place where we do the best work of our career, grow and have fun. Hear from Michael on how he's adapted, what his biggest learning is and how he stays inspired.

Michael Soroosh-Collins

Managing Director

Biggest learning from your career

No one has it all figured out. If they say they do, they’re either lying or so completely un-curious that whatever they’ve “figured out” isn’t very useful anyway. So, embrace the unknown and enjoy the journey.

One word to describe the last year?

Eye-opening. I think as a society, as organizations, and as individuals we’ve learned a lot about what we value and what we need; about how we work together and how we treat each other; about how some long-established defaults weren’t working for everyone while other defaults were working in ways we didn’t even realize.

Best advice you gave out about working differently?

Find the upside. Winston Churchill famously said to ‘never let a good crisis go to waste.’ It’s true that none of us asked for this new normal, but it also offers new opportunities we didn’t have before. For myself, I’m enjoying the opportunity to work more with people across offices, oceans, and time zones. And to be home in time to make dinner every night.

How have you stayed inspired?

I get inspired by having meaningful problems to solve, so I try to stay close to people and culture in order to help reframe expected (and uninspiring) problems into something more audacious.

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