7th December 2021

5 Minutes With Mimi Song

#TeamMindshare believes in Speed, Teamwork and Provocation. As we adjust to working differently, we're continuing to empower people to challenge the status quo and drive Good Growth for our clients and the industry. Growth isn’t just a flash in the pan, but it’s enduring, diversified, and more sustainable over time. We’re proud to be unmistakably #TeamMindshare, and make it the place where we do the best work of our career, grow and have fun. Hear from Mimi on how she's adapted, what her biggest learning is and how she stays inspired.

Mimi Song

SVP, Group Communications Director

Biggest learning from your career

Invest in your team and be an authentic leader. When I reflect on who inspired me to do my best and got the best out of me (during the best and the worst of times) it was those leaders that were committed to my growth and development, happiness and success both professionally and personally. This continues to pay it forward as you nurture your own teams and they nurture their own teams.  It shows in the work you and the team produce.

One word to describe the last year?


You must be scratching your head as we lived (and continue to live) in a pandemic. WTH does she mean? And you’re right, the past year has been hard on so many levels. However, difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. It started off rough. I suffered my first (and pretty big) panic attack which landed me in the ER at the height of the pandemic. So that was fun. When I realized I wasn’t dying, it gave me perspective and a different outlook on trying to find better balance in my life. So naturally the first thing to do is get a pandemic puppy. Her name is Maddie and she is a Mini Bernedoodle. She is exactly what I needed to help me strike a better balance and focus on my life. Then I upped my game and  had a baby (Gemma). Those blessings are what got me through and continues to get me through the hard times. 

Best advice you gave out about working remotely?

Have boundaries. Not having boundaries got me a panic attack, my first trip on an ambulance and first time in the ER. It’s okay to not do that spreadsheet today and leave it for tomorrow. There will always be more work, but your mental wellbeing is way more important. You won’t look back at your life and be like man, so glad I did that spreadsheet when I did!

How have you stayed inspired?

Doing the things you’ve wanted to but never felt you had the time. Make the time and do it. I like to cook and try new recipes. I also took on more baking. I don’t like baking as much but like the challenge to see if I am any good at it. Like everyone else during the pandemic I invested way too much money on scarce AP Flour to make my own sourdough starter which didn’t work well. But I chose to bake other things to keep practicing. My husband and mom have been the recipients of my practicing. Finding those that are interested or doing the same as you is fun, as you share tips and stories.  Whatever it is, keep trying so long as it makes you happy.

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