27th February 2024

Listen In: Kathy Kline on SiriusXM's 'Pass the Mic'

Kathy Kline, North America Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer at Mindshare, joined Jocelyn Hudak, Senior Director, Content and Digital Marketing at SiriusXM, for an interview at the SiriusXM Pass the Mic lounge at CES in Las Vegas, created in partnership with The Female Quotient. Get ready to set and respect boundaries, and give the full interview a listen.

“My number one piece of advice," says Kline, "is the importance of loving what you do. Or maybe you don't love it, maybe that's idealistic, but at least finding it challenging, finding it in some meaningful way satisfying… If you don't like what you're doing, it's going to be problematic and you also have to work with people that you enjoy working with and that respect you.”

Listen to the interview here.

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