19th February 2009
Walk in and leave everything you already know about branding and advertising at the door. Autonomy is the way of the future, with faster, safer travel leading to more opportunities for media consumption. But in a world of heated politics and privacy issues, brands will have to rethink how they engage with consumers and leverage the latest emerging tech.
Mindshare's Guide to SXSW 2020
9:30AM – 10:30AM | Austin Convention Center Ballroom D
Amy Webb (Future Today Institute)
Every year, Amy Webb releases the trend report from the Future Today Institute. Attending this year's session will help to prepare attendees for the future's uncertainty, and best of all, you get to leave with the 500-trend resource.
9:30AM – 10:30AM | JW Marriot Salon 3-4
Laurence Chiles (National Gallery UK), Chris Micheals (National Gallery UK), Tonya Nelson (Arts Council England), Michael Takeo Magruder, Sarah Coward (The Forever Project)
Museums are some of the most historical and educational institutions worldwide. This conversation explores a future with highly immersive museums built with emerging tech, and provokes attendees to rethink the ways in which we can use technology to tell all stories.
11:00AM – 12:00PM | Austin Convention Center Ballroom D
Kara Swisher (Vox Media), Charlie Warzel (The New York Times)
Listen to the most renowned experts discuss one of the most important topics of the year: privacy.
12:30PM – 1:30PM | Austin Convention Center Exhibit Hall 4
Anand Gopalan (Voldyne Lidar, Inc.)
As a future comprised of autonomous vehicles rapidly approaches, this conversation provides an opportunity to learn about LIDAR sensors, the technology embedded in and making split-second decisions for every self-driving car
2:00PM – 3:00PM | Hilton Austin Downtown Room 406
Joel Anderson (Slate Magazine), Christopher Johnson (Slate)
'The number of live podcasting events are increasing as podcast listenership continues to grow- take some time during SXSW to listen to Slow Burn, one of the most popular podcasts online right now.
3:30PM – 4:30PM | Fairmont Manchester EFG 101 Red River
Shruti Sehgal (BerlinRosen), Tess Vandendolder (Berlin Rosen)
Walk into the room and leave eveything you already know about branding and advertising at the door. Especially during 2020, consumers will be looking at brands to take a stand politically, and this conversation provokes attendees to prepare for the election year by thinking about their everyday job through the lens of a presidential campaign.