21st August 2020

Snoring 20’s

We’ve turned into homebodies. This decade is primed to become the Snoring 20’s instead of the Roaring 20’s, a decade marked by indulgence and exuberance a century ago. Tamping down our spirits are the long-term effects of the Great Recession, the prospect of another economic downturn, and changes in how we socialize, use technology, and self-care.

We’re approaching life with more restraint and balance. While alcohol sales spiked during the pandemic, drinking, hard drugs, and sex are on the decline overall. The growth of convenience services from Amazon Prime to DoorDash makes staying put desirable, easy – and often essential in COVID-19’s aftermath. Millennials and Gen Z are navigating these tumultuous times by saving more, seeking community online, and embracing Hygge, the art of coziness. Every industry has adjusted their offerings to make it easier to be at home.



Washing is when brands disingenuously capitalize on public sentiment around topics like #BlackLivesMatter, environmentalism, and LGBTQ rights to push their products and services.

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Canceling Cancel Culture

Cancel Culture has flipped the power of authority figures and celebrities to the marginalized and often voiceless.

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Label Maker

Identifying with different groups at different times impacts the decisions we make.

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    Mindshare USA