21st August 2020


Washing is when brands disingenuously capitalize on public sentiment around topics like #BlackLivesMatter, environmentalism, and LGBTQ rights to push their products and services. This upsets the consumers who identify with these movements, who watch as brands crowd each other out during opportunistic occasions and muddle the issue they’re fighting for. Cause marketing fatigue sets in.

Being an ally means bringing attention to a cause. But being an advocate means taking a more active approach to try to affect change. During the height of the pandemic, for example, brands took a somber tone as they underscored the importance of front-line workers. But consumers rejected sentiment that rang hollow or didn’t match a company’s reputation. Advertising has a major influence on moving the needle in society; how you engage will elicit different expectations and a vocal response to your brand’s stance from stockholders and consumers alike.


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Mindshare USA
    Mindshare USA