Tyson: Impact index

We created an AI tool to help ensure human safety online

The U.S. public is consistently exposed to incendiary rhetoric and misinformation. From dog whistles to unconscious bias, a great deal of that is directed at the Black community, leaving them vulnerable.

Brands have a responsibility to address the toxicity crises online because it has real-life ramifications on people; we need to be accountable for the content we surround and sponsor.

So, we created an AI tool to help ensure human safety online. The Impact Index analyses articles across thousands of publisher sites in real-time, and ranks content in four ategories: Positive, Neutral, Negative and Toxic, based on impact to the Black community. We used this data to transform media plans.


Increased Tyson’s media volume on Positive Impact sites by 20%

2 x increase in clicks and brand site engagements for Tyson (e.g. where to buy, produce details pages), vs historical benchmarks

Helped fund credible journalism to service the Black community.


Awards & recognition
Cannes Lions 2023
Cannes Lions 2023 Shortlist: Media Lions - Data-driven Targeting

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