7th June 2024

Weekly Prompt: Instagram's new features and other news

Instagram is adding new features to enhance user experience

Instagram is rolling out a series of new features aimed at enhancing user experience and giving creators more tools to engage their audience. These updates focus on Reels, Carousel posts, and Broadcast Channels.

Reels Feedback and Testing: Instagram is experimenting with new options for creators to gather feedback on their Reels before posting them publicly. Selected users can now share draft Reels with friends to receive input on their creations. Additionally, a new testing feature allows creators to share their Reels with a group of non-followers to gauge reactions without officially publishing the content. The aim is to help creators refine their concepts and avoid sharing less successful ideas broadly.

Enhanced Carousel Posts: For Carousel posts, Instagram is testing text overlays and new image formatting options. Users can now add text directly onto images within a carousel, offering more creative possibilities for explainers and how-tos. The feature will include three image presentation formats—Original, Portrait, and Square—allowing for varied visual displays. These updates provide more flexibility in showcasing different content types, benefiting both casual users and brands looking to highlight their products effectively.

Broadcast Channels Updates: Instagram has also updated its Broadcast Channels feature, which is available to creators with over 10,000 followers. This feature enables a private, one-way chat stream, allowing creators to keep their audience informed about important updates. Broadcast Channels help maintain a direct connection with dedicated fans, offering a streamlined way to share crucial information.

Sources: Social Media Today, Swipe Insight

Additional prompts

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    Mindshare Global